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Maqian – 馬錢 – Poisonnut – Nuxvomica – Snake Wood – Poisonnut – Strychnos – Snakewood Strychinine

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Maqian – 馬錢 – Poisonnut – Nuxvomica – Snake Wood – Poisonnut – Strychnos – Snakewood Strychinine, Nuxvomica Tree

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Strychnos nuxvomica L.

– Parts of plants that have useful value: seeds.

– Family & Genus: Loganiaceae, Strychnos

Maqian – 馬錢

– 中文名稱: 馬錢,馬錢子,番木鼈,苦實,馬錢樹,馬錢木
– 漢語拼音: Maqian
– 英文名稱: Snake Wood, Nuxvomica Poisonnut, Strychnos, Poisonnut, Snakewood, Strychinine, Nuxvomica Tree
– 拉丁學名: Strychnos nuxvomica L.
– 科屬歸類: 馬錢科 Loganiaceae, 馬錢屬 Strychnos


Maqian – 馬錢 – Poisonnut – Nuxvomica – Snake Wood – Poisonnut – Strychnos – Snakewood Strychinine, Nuxvomica Tree

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Strychnos nuxvomica L.

– Parts of plants that have useful value: seeds.

– Family & Genus: Loganiaceae, Strychnos

    • Description     Arbor, 10-13 meter high. Bark grey, with lenticels, branch smooth. Simple leaf opposite, coriaceous, broadly ovate or nearly round, 6-15cm long, 3-9cm wide, tip suddenly pointed or emarginate, basal part broad wedge shaped or round, entire, smooth and hairless, main vein 5, rarely 3, with dorsal process, thin vein irregularly reticular; leaf axil with short tendrils; petiole 5-12mm long. Paniculate cymes axillary, 3-5cm long, 2.5-5cm in diameter, covered with short soft hairs; phyllary and bractlet small, triangular, tip sharp, covered with short soft hairs; flower white, nearly sessile; calyx green, with 5 lobes in the tip, densely covered with short soft hairs; corolla tubular, with 5 lobes in the tip, lobe ovate, inner surface densely grown with short hairs; stamens 5, grown in the laryngeal part of corolla tube, filament extremely short, anther yellow, elliptic; stamen 9.5-12mm long, style cylindrical, up to 11mm long, stigma head shaped; ovary ovate. Berry spherical, 2-4cm in diameter, green before maturity, orange when mature, surface smooth. Seeds 1-4, disc shaped, 1-3cm in diameter, surface greyish yellow, densely covered with silvery tomentums, silky. Flowering: spring and summer; fruiting-August -January of following year.
    • The medicinal materials are mainly produced in Yunnan, India, Vietnam, Burma and etc.
    • Harvest & Processing               Collected in winter when fruits become mature, taken the seeds, well washed, and sun-dried.
    • Chemistry: Seed contains alkaloids, such as strychnine, brucine, pseudostrychnine and pseudobrucine, etc.
    • Pharmacology: Centra- nervous-system exciting, promoting digestive function and anti-tumor, and antibacterial.
    • Properties & Actions Bitter, cold, very toxic.Strengthening muscle, warming the meridians, detoxifying, dissipating stasis, relieving pain and dispersing swelling.
    • Indications & Usage:  Rheumatic arthralgia, skin numbness, paralysis, injuries caused by falls, fractures and swelling pain, sores caused by varnish poisoning, refractory tinea, malignant tumor, superficial infection and pyocutaneous disease, pharyngitis, toothache.Oral administration: made as pills or powders, 0.2-0.6g per time. Megadose 0.9g. External application: appropriate amount, powdered and scattered, immersed in water, grinded with vinegar, stir-heated out oil for application, or prepared plaster for application. Not use in case of pregnancy or weak health.
    • Examples:
      1. Pharyngitis with pain: dog button, birthwor root, root of straight sophora in equal amounts. Grind into a powder and blow onto the lesions.
      2. Hot and bearable toothache: half a dog button, grind with a small cup of morning well water, gargle, and spit after it becomes hot, and pain will be relieved after all water is used.

Maqian – 馬錢 – Poisonnut – Nuxvomica – Snake Wood – Poisonnut – Strychnos – Snakewood Strychinine, Nuxvomica Tree

– 中文名稱: 馬錢,馬錢子,番木鼈,苦實,馬錢樹,馬錢木
– 漢語拼音: Maqian
– 英文名稱: Snake Wood, Nuxvomica Poisonnut, Strychnos, Poisonnut, Snakewood, Strychinine, Nuxvomica Tree
– 拉丁學名: Strychnos nuxvomica L.
– 科屬歸類: 馬錢科 Loganiaceae, 馬錢屬 Strychnos
    • 植物形態: 喬木,高10-13米。樹皮灰色,具皮孔,枝光滑。單葉對生,革質,廣卵形或近圓形,長6-15厘米,寬3-9厘米,先端急尖或微凹,基部廣楔形或圓形,全緣,光滑無毛,主脈5條,罕3條,背面突起,細脈成不規則網狀;葉腋有短捲鬚;葉柄長5-12毫米。圓錐狀聚傘花序腋生,長3-5厘米,直徑2.5-5厘米,被短柔毛;總苞片及小苞片均小,三角形,先端尖,被短柔毛;花白色,近無梗;花萼綠色,先端5裂,密被短柔毛;花冠筒狀,先端5裂,裂片卵形,內面密生短毛;雄蕊5,著生於花冠管喉部,花絲極短,花藥黃色,橢圓形;雌蕊長9.5-12毫米,花柱圓柱形,長達11毫米,柱頭頭狀;子房卵形。漿果球形,直徑2-4厘米,幼時綠色,成熟時橙色,表面光滑。種子1-4顆,圓盤形,直徑1-3厘米,表面灰黃色,密被銀色茸毛,有絲光。花期春夏季,果明8月至翌年1月。
    • 生境分佈: 藥材主產雲南,印度,越南,緬甸等地。
    • 藥用部位: 以種子入藥。中藥名: 馬錢子。
    • 採收加工: 秋冬季果實成熟時摘下,取出種子,洗淨附著的果肉,曬乾。
    • 主要成分: 種子含生物鹼類成分,如番木鼈鹼(strychnine),馬錢子鹼(brucine),偽番木鼈鹼(pseudostrychnine),偽馬錢子鹼(pseudobrucine)等成分。
    • 藥理作用: 興奮中樞神經系統,促進消化機能,抗腫瘤,抗菌。
    • 性味功能: 苦,寒,大毒。強筋通絡,解毒,散結止痛,消腫。
    • 主治用法: 風濕痹痛,肌膚麻木,肢體癱瘓,跌打損傷,骨折腫痛,癘風,頑癬,惡性腫瘤,癰疽瘡毒,喉痹,牙痛。內服: 炮製後入丸,散,每次0.2-0.6克。大劑量0.9克。外用: 適量,研末撒,浸水,醋磨,煎油塗敷或熬膏攤貼。孕婦及體虛者忌服。
    • 應用舉例:
      1. 喉痺作痛: 番木鱉,青木香,山豆根等分。為末吹。(醫方摘要)
      2. 熱牙痛不可忍: 番木鱉半個,井花水磨一小盞,含漱,熱即吐去,水完則疼止。(握靈本草)