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Qiannianjian – 千年健 – Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome

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Qiannianjian – 千年健 – Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome.
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Homalomenae Rhizoma, Homalomena occulta (Lour.) Schott.
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes.
– Origin: The dried rhizome of Homalomena occulta (Lour.) Schott. (Araceae).
– Family & Genus: Araceae, Homalomena.

Qiannianjian – 千年健 – Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome
– 千年健 Qiannianjian
– 名稱: 千年健
– 拼音: Qiannianjian
– 英文名稱: Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome, Homalomena, Hidden Homalomena, Eye-form Callalily
– 拉丁學名: Homalomena occulta (Lour.) Schott
– 類別: 根及根莖類
– 來源: 天南星科植物千年健Homalomena occulta (Lour.) Schott的乾燥根莖。



Qiannianjian – 千年健 – Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome.
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Homalomenae Rhizoma, Homalomena occulta (Lour.) Schott.
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes.
– Origin: The dried rhizome of Homalomena occulta (Lour.) Schott. (Araceae).
– Family & Genus: Araceae, Homalomena.

    • Description: Perennial herb. Scale leaves lanceolate, gradually narrow upward; leaves alternate, petiole long; blades papyraceous, both surfaces smooth and hairless. Inflorescence 1-3 on axil of scale leaves, shorter than petiole; spathe oblong or elliptic, rolls into spindle before flowering; flowers show diclinous polygamy, male flowers on upper and female flowers on lower; no perianth; male flowers intensive, stamens mostly 3 comprised into a bunch, separated, stamens sheet-oblong, filaments vertically dehiscent; female flowers with degenerated stamens, ovary 3-chambered, ovules many, stigma inconspicuously 3-lobed. Berry. Seeds oblong, brown. Flowering: May to June. Fruiting: August to October.
    • Macroscopic Features: Cylindrical or slightly fat curved shape. 15~40cm long, 0.8~2cm diameter. Externally reddish-brown or yellowish-brown, rough, with numerous wrinkled longitudinal lines and yellowish-white fiber bundles. Brittle texture, easily broken, fractured surface is reddish-brown, with numerous exposed fiber bundles, scattered fiber bundles, with round lustrous oil spots. Fragrant odor, acrid, slightly bitter taste.
    • Harvest & Processing: Collected throughout the year, better in autumn. After excavated, removed soil, and sun-dried.
    • Chemistry: Mainly contains aromatic volatile oil.
    • Pharmacology: Anti-bacterial.
    • Properties: Acrid, bitter, warm pungent, bitter, warm.
    • Part Used Medical part: Rhizome.
    • Functions: Dispels wind-damp, comforts sinew, invigorates channels, stops pain, eliminates swelling, alleviating edema. Apply to wind-damp impediment, arthralgia, and flaccidity of extremities, traumatic injury, stomachache, abscess and sore swelling.
    • Technical Terms, “One wrapped needle”: This refers to the numerous yellow fiber bundles inside the medicinal material; when broken, the fiber bundles are numerous, obvious, and irregular, presenting like a needle.
    • Indications & Usage: Rheumatic arthralgia, arthralgia, flaccidity of extremities, gastralgia, superficial infections, swelling sores.Oral administration: decocting, 7.5-15g; or made as medicinal liquor. External application: powdered for application.
    • Examples
      1. Treat wind and qi-stagnant pain: add into medicine wine.
      2. Stop gastralgia: grind in liquor and swallow.
      3. Treat anthracia and fistula, sore and cellulitis.


Qiannianjian – 千年健 – Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome
– 千年健 Qiannianjian
– 名稱: 千年健
– 拼音: Qiannianjian
– 英文名稱: Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome, Homalomena, Hidden Homalomena, Eye-form Callalily
– 拉丁學名: Homalomena occulta (Lour.) Schott
– 類別: 根及根莖類
– 來源: 天南星科植物千年健Homalomena occulta (Lour.) Schott的乾燥根莖。

    • 植物形態: 多年生草本。鱗葉披針形,向上漸狹;葉互生,具長柄;葉片紙質,兩面光滑無毛。花序1-3,生於鱗葉葉腋,短於葉柄;佛焰苞長圓形或橢圓形,開花前卷成紡錘形;花單性同株;雄花生在花序上部,雌花在下部;無花被;雄花密集,通常由3雄蕊組成一束,分離,雄蕊呈片狀長圓形,花絲縱裂;雌花具退化雄蕊,子房3室,胚珠多數,柱頭具不明顯的3裂。漿果。種子長圓形,褐色。花期5-6月,果期8-10月。
    • 性狀: 根莖圓柱形或略扁稍彎曲。長15~40cm,直徑0.8~2cm。表面紅棕色或黃棕色,粗糙,有多數扭曲的縱溝紋及黃白色的纖維束。質脆,易折斷,折斷面紅褐色,有很多纖維束外露,纖維群散在,具圓形光澤的油點。氣芳香,味辛、微苦。
    • 採收加工: 全年可採,以秋採者品質較佳。挖取後,洗淨泥土,曬乾。
    • 品質: 以條大、堅實、紅褐色、香氣濃者為佳。
    • 主要成分: 主要含芳香性揮發油成分。
    • 藥理作用: 抑菌作用。
    • 性味: 辛、苦,溫。
    • 藥用部位: 以根莖入藥。中藥名: 千年健。
    • 功效: 祛風濕、舒筋活絡、止痛、消腫等功效。主治風濕痹痛、肢節酸育、筋骨痿軟、跌打損傷、胃痛、癰疽瘡腫等。
    • 注解: “一包針”:指千年健藥材內有許多黃色的纖維束,折斷後纖維束多而明顯,參差不齊,外露如針。
    • 主治用法: 風濕痹痛,肢節酸痛,筋骨痿軟,胃痛,癰疽瘡腫。內服: 煎湯,1.5-3錢;或浸酒。外用: 研末調敷。
    • 應用舉例:
      1. 治風氣痛: 可入藥酒。(柑園小識)
      2. 止胃痛: 酒磨服。(綱目拾遺)
      3. 治癰瘺瘡疽。(本草再新)