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Huangjing – 黃精 – Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome

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Huangjing – 黃精 – Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
Chinese Name: 黃精
Chinese Pinyin: Huangjing
English Name: Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome, Siberia Landpick Rhizome
– Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute, Polygonati Rhizoma,
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes
– Origin: The dried rhizome of Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute(Liliaceae).


Huangjing – 黃精 – Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
中文名稱: 黃精,山薑
漢語拼音: Huangjing
英文名稱: Siberia Landpick Rhizome, Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
– 拉丁學名: Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute
– 類別: 根及根莖類
– 來源: 百合科植物黃精Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute的乾燥根莖。
– 科屬歸類: 百合科 Liliaceae, 黃精屬 Polygonatum



Huangjing – 黃精 – Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
Chinese Name: 黃精
Chinese Pinyin: Huangjing
English Name: Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome, Siberia Landpick Rhizome
– Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute, Polygonati Rhizoma,
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes
– Origin: The dried rhizome of Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute(Liliaceae).

    • Description Herb, root-shaped stem. Stems unbranched, base with membranous sheath, erect. Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, entire. Flowers axillary or become large umbels or racemes. Tepals 6, lower part connate into a tube, lobe apex exterior part long with papillate hair, base of perianth tube adnate to ovary, becomes fused with pedicels; stamens 6, lower part of filaments adnate to be perianth tube, the upper part distinct, anther base 2 cleft; Ovary 3 chambers, style filiform, not stretched out of perianth, stigma small. Berry subglobose, 10 more seeds. Flowering: May to June, fruiting: August to September.
    • Macroscopic Features: Knotty, one thick end round and plate-like, one gradually thin end cylindrical-shaped, whole piece similar to chicken head in shape, 2.5~11cm long, 1~2cm thick at the thick end; often has branches, with obvious scars of stem, round slightly indented, 2~3mm diameter, surrounding with ringed joints; thin end is 2.5~4cm long, 5~10mm diameter, with obvious ringed joints, 5~15mm internode distance, with numerous rootlets or scars of rootlets with a diameter of 1mm. Externally yellowish-brown, sometimes translucent, with wrinkles; cylindrical portion has longitudinal lines. Hard brittle or slightly soft pliable texture, easily broken. Fractured surface is yellowish-white, granular, with yellowish-brown vascular bundle spots. faint odor, slightly sweet taste. Ginger-like huang jing often appears as long strip-shaped lumps, uneven length and numerous linked lump-like nodes.
    • Distribution: Growing on deserted slopes and miscellaneous forests or thickets sides. Distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia and etc. The medicinal materials are mainly produced in Guizhou, Hunan, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and Shanxi.
    • Harvest & Processing: Harvested in spring, (better in autumn). Excavated rhizome, removed aboveground parts and fibril, washed off sediment, steamed till oil oozing out, taken out and sun-dried or baked to dry, or sun-dried or baked to dry after boiled in water.
    • Technical Terms
      • ‘Rock sugar cut (bing tang cha)’: This refers to the transparent fractured surface seen on large, yellow, lustrous huang jing.
      • ‘New Year’s space (nian jie jian)’: this is a special distinguishing feature of huang jing medicinal material. It refers to the space between the ringed joints on the rhizome’s exterior.
    • Part Used Medical part: rhizome. Chinese name: Huangjing.
    • Chemistry Mainly contains mucilage, starch and sugar.
      Pharmacology Sinew and bones strengthening and marrow-benefiting.
      Properties & Actions Sweet, neutral, non-toxic.Invigorating spleen and replenishing qi and nourishing the heart and lung, strengthening sinew-bone.
    • Quality Requirements Superior medicinal material is fat, large, yellow, with “rock sugar cut” fractured surface.
    • Indications: Consumptive disease, chills and fever, tuberculous empsyxis, physical deficiency and poor appetite after diseases, weakness in bones and muscles, pain from rheumatism, leprosy and tinea.
    • Functions: Nourishes the kidney, moistens the lung, fortifies the spleen, supplements qi. Apply to cough due to deficiency of yin, dry cough due to dryness of lung, spleen deficiency and fatigue, low food intake and dry mouth, diabetes, weakness of waist and knees due to deficiency of kidney, impotence and emission, tinnitus and dim vision, prematurely grey, thin and weakness of body and deficiency, leprosy and tinea.
    • Usage: Oral administration: decocting, 15-25g (fresh products 50-100g); prepared ointment or made as pills or powders. External application: decocted for washing.
    • Examples
      1. Wine huang jing: stir cleaned huang jing with yellow rice wine in stew pot, seal and heat above water or steam, till all the wine is absorbed. Or use steamer to steam till moistened inside and outside and black colored, take out and sun-dry till the outer skin is dry, slice into thick pieces, dry. Every 100kg huang jing need 20kg yellow rice wine. Wine processed form can moisten greasy nature, promote the medical effect, advanced in supplements the kidney and blood.
      2. Steamed huang jing: clean the huang jing and get rid of foreign matter. Clean, drain, moisten totally, steam till black inside and outside by steamer, take out, sun-dry or cool till dry exterior. Slice into thick pieces, stir with the steamed water, absorb totally and dry. Unprocessed huang jing has numbing taste, stinging throat, thus often use steamed pieces. After steamed and eliminated numbing, avoid of stinging throat, enhance the effect of supplementing qi and nourishing yin, supplementing spleen and moistening lung.
      3. Strengthen bone and musculature, benefit essences and marrow, make white hair black: javanica blume, atractylodes 4 jin each, matrimony vine root, largehead atractylodes leaves 5 jin each, wild asparagus 3 jin. Cook juice 1 shi, moldy bran 10 jin, glutinous rice 1 shi, drink as common liquor.
      4. Supplement pneuma: matrimony vine seeds, javanica blume in equal amounts. Grind into a fine powder, mix up, pestle into blockes, prepare into cakes, again pestle after dried, grind into powder, prepare into honey pills as large as firmianae semen. Swallow 50 pills each time, and swallow with warm water on empty stomach.
      5. Treat weakness of the spleen and stomach, fatigue and weakness: javanica blume, radix codonopsitis, Chinese yam 1 liang each, steam with chick and eat.


Huangjing – 黃精 – Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
中文名稱: 黃精,山薑
漢語拼音: Huangjing
英文名稱: Siberia Landpick Rhizome, Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
– 拉丁學名: Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute
– 類別: 根及根莖類
– 來源: 百合科植物黃精Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute的乾燥根莖。
– 科屬歸類: 百合科 Liliaceae, 黃精屬 Polygonatum

    • 生境分佈: 生於荒山坡及山地雜木林或灌木叢的邊緣。 分佈黑龍江、吉林、遼寧、河北、山東、江蘇、河南、山西、陝西、內蒙古等地。 藥材主產貴州、湖南、浙江、廣西、河北、內蒙古、遼寧、山西。
    • 植物形態: 草本,根狀莖。莖不分枝,基部具膜質鞘,直立。葉互生,對生或輪生,全緣。花腋生或集生成傘形或總狀花序。花被片6,下部合生成筒,裂片先端外面長具乳突狀毛,花被筒基部與子房貼生,與花梗間有關節;雄蕊6,花絲下部貼生成花被筒,上部離生,花藥基部2裂;子房3室,花柱絲狀,不伸出花被,柱頭小。漿果近球形,10餘枚種子。花期5-6月,果期8-9月。
    • 性狀: 黃精根莖結節狀。一端粗,類圓盤狀,一端漸細,圓柱狀,全形略似雞頭,長2.5~11cm,粗端直徑1~2cm,常有短分枝,上面莖痕明顯,圓形,微凹,直徑2~3mm,周圍隱約可見環節;細端長2.5~4cm,直徑5~10mm,環節明顯,節間距離5~15mm,有較多鬚根或鬚根痕,直徑約1mm。表面黃棕色,有的半透明,具皺紋;圓柱形處有縱行紋理。質硬脆或稍柔韌,易折斷。斷面黃白色,顆粒狀,有黃棕色給管束小點。氣微,味微甜。薑形黃精多為長條結塊狀,長短不等,常數個塊狀結節相連。
    • 採收加工: 春、秋採收,以秋採者質佳。挖取根莖,除去地上部分及鬚根,洗去泥土,置蒸籠內蒸至呈現油潤時,取出曬乾或烘乾。或置水中煮沸後,撈出曬乾或烘乾。
    • 藥用部位: 以根莖入藥。中藥名: 黃精。
    • 主要成分: 主要含粘液質、澱粉及糖分成分。
    • 藥理作用: 強筋骨,益精髓。
    • 性味功能: 甘,平,無毒。補中益氣,潤心肺,強筋骨。
    • 品質: 以肥潤、塊大、色黃、斷面“冰糖碴”者為佳。
    • 功效: 虛損寒熱,肺癆咳血,滋腎潤肺,補脾益氣。用於陰虛勞嗽;肺燥咳嗽;脾虛乏力;食少口乾;消渴;腎虧腰膝酸軟;陽痿遺精;耳鳴目暗;鬚髮早白;體虛贏瘦;筋骨軟弱,風濕疼痛, 風癩癬疾
    • 用法: 內服: 煎湯,3-5錢(鮮者1-2兩);熬膏或入丸、散。外用: 煎水洗。
    • 注解:
      • “冰糖碴”:指塊大、色黃、質潤澤的黃精具有的透明斷面。
      • “年節間”:指黃精根莖表面具有的環節之間的距離。
    • 應用舉例
      1. 炙品:
        1. 酒黃精:取淨黃精,用黃酒拌勻,置燉藥罐內,密閉,隔水加熱或用蒸氣加熱,至酒被吸盡。或置蒸具內,蒸至內外滋潤、色黑,取出,曬至外皮稍乾時,切厚片,乾燥。黃精每100公斤,用黃酒20公斤。酒制能能使之滋而不膩,並助其藥勢,更好的發揮補腎益血的作用。
        2. 蒸黃精:取原藥材除去雜質。洗淨,瀝乾,潤透,置蒸具內,蒸至內外滋潤黑色,取出,曬或晾至外乾內潤。切厚片,再將蒸時所得汁水拌入,使之吸盡,乾燥。生黃精具有麻味,刺人咽喉,故多蒸用。蒸後除去麻味,以免刺激咽喉,並可增強補氣養陰、補脾潤肺的作用。
      2. 壯筋骨,益精髓,變白髮: 黃精、蒼術各四斤,枸杞根、柏葉各五斤,天門冬三斤。煮汁一石,同曲十斤,糯米一石,如常釀酒欽。(綱目)
      3. 補精氣: 枸杞子、黃精等分。為細末,二味招和,搗成塊,捏作餅子,幹複搗為末,煉蜜為丸,如梧桐子大。每服五十丸,空心溫水送下。(奇效良方)
      4. 治脾胃虛弱,體倦無力: 黃精、黨參、淮山藥各-兩,蒸雞食。(湖南農村常用中草藥手冊)