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Caodoukou 草豆蔻 Katsumada Galangal Seed

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Caodoukou 草豆蔻 Katsumada Galangal Seed

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Alpiniae Katsumadai Semen

– Parts of plants that have useful value: Fruits and seeds

– Origin: The dried nearly mature seed of Alpinia katsumadai Hayata (Zingiberaceae).


Caodoukou 草豆蔻 Katsumada Galangal Seed

– 拉丁:    Alpiniae Katsumadai Semen

– 類別:    果實及種子類

– 來源:    薑科植物草豆蔻Alpinia katsumadai Hayata 的乾燥近成熟種子。



Caodoukou 草豆蔻 Katsumada Galangal Seed

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Alpiniae Katsumadai Semen

– Parts of plants that have useful value: Fruits and seeds

– Origin: The dried nearly mature seed of Alpinia katsumadai Hayata

    • Macroscopic Features: Semi-spherical seed clusters, 1.5~2.7cm diameter. Externally grayish-brown, yellowish-white sections form a semi-spherical shape, the seed clusters form 3 separate lobes, each lobe has numerous seeds and sticks together; the cluster is slightly smooth. Seeds are oval-shaped polyhedrons, 3~5mm long, about 3mm diameter; the outside is covered with a pale brown aril, raphe is one longitudinal groove, the other end has hilum. Hard texture, breaks along the raphe into two lobes, longitudinal cut surface is oblique heart-shaped; seed coat extends inwards along raphe, taking 1/2 area of the whole; endosperm is grayish-white. Aromatic odor; taste acrid, and slightly bitter.
    • Quality Requirements: Superior medicinal material has full seeds, firm, semi-spherical, and potent aroma and taste.
    • Properties: Acrid; warm.
    • Functions: Dries dampness, relieves intention, promoting qi-flowing, warms center, fortifies the stomach, digests food. Splenic and gastric stagnation of cold-damp, chest impediment of damp-warm, lost appetite, cold-dampness and vomiting, cheats and abdominal impediment, indigestion.


Caodoukou 草豆蔻 Katsumada Galangal Seed

– 拉丁:    Alpiniae Katsumadai Semen

– 類別:    果實及種子類

– 來源:    薑科植物草豆蔻Alpinia katsumadai Hayata 的乾燥近成熟種子。

    • 性狀: 該品為類球形的種子團,直徑1.5~2.7cm。表面灰褐色,中間有黃白色的隔膜,將種子團分成3 瓣,每瓣有種子多數,粘連緊密,種子團略光滑。種子為卵圓狀多面體,長3~5mm,直徑約3mm,外被淡棕色膜質假種皮,種脊為一條縱溝,一端有種臍;質硬,將種子沿種脊縱剖兩瓣,縱斷面觀呈斜心形,種皮沿種脊向內伸入部分約占整個表面積的1/2 ;胚乳灰白色。氣香,味辛,微苦。
    • 品質: 以種子飽滿、堅實、類球形、氣濃者為佳。
    • 性味: 辛,溫。
    • 功效: 化濕消痞,行氣溫中,開胃消食。用於濕濁中阻,不思飲食,濕溫初起胸悶不饑,寒濕嘔逆,胸腹脹痛,食積不消