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Gou Ji – 金毛狗脊 – Rhizoma Cibotii – Cibotium Barometz Root

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East Asian Tree Fern / Gouji /  狗脊
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Cibotii Rhizoma
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes
– Origin The dried rhizome of Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm. (Dichsoniaceae)

名稱: 狗脊
拼音: Gouji
英文: East Asian Tree Fern
拉丁: Cibotii Rhizoma
類別: 根及根莖類
來源: 蚌殼蕨科植物金毛狗脊Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm.的乾燥根莖。



East Asian Tree Fern / Gouji /  狗脊
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Cibotii Rhizoma
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes
– Origin The dried rhizome of Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm. (Dichsoniaceae).

  • Macroscopic Features Irregular long lumps, 10~30cm long, 2~10cm diameter. Externally dark brown, remnants of golden hairs; upper side has numerous reddish-brown woody petioles, lower side has remnants of black thin roots. Firm texture, difficult to break. faint odor, tasteless and slightly astringent taste. Unprocessed gou ji is in irregular long lumps or round pieces, 5~20cm long, 2~10cm diameter, 1.5~5mm thick; fractured surface is pale brown, relatively smooth; one brownish-yellow raised xylem ring or strip is present at approximately 1~4mm of edge; edge is not smooth, sometimes has remnants of golden hair. Brittle texture, easily broken and powdery. Processed gou ji is black-brown, hard texture, xylem has obvious rings.
  • Quality Requirements Superior medicinal material has firm texture, heavy and golden hair.
  • Properties Bitter, sweet; warm.
  • Functions Dispels wind and dampness, supplements the liver and kidney, strengthens waist and knees. Apply to win and damp impediment, weakness in the loins and knees, weakness of the lower limbs, frequent urination, enuresis,
    leukorrhagia; externally used to trauma and bleeding.
  • Processed Form Steamed Gouji: Steam clean Gouji slices with fast fire for 4~6h in the steamer, covered for 6~8h after ceased fire, take out and dry. Reduced the nature of bitter and dry, advanced in supplement the liver and kidney. Wine Gouji: stir the clean Gouji slices with yellow rice wine, steam after wet the Gouji slices, with fast fire, for 4~6h, covered for 6~8h after ceased fire, take out and dry. Every 100kg Gouji slices need 15kg yellow rice wine. Wine Gouji is advanced in disperse cold and stop pain, promotes joints. Salt Gouji: stir the clean Gouji slices evenly with salt water, wet it for about 3h, after absorb completely, steam for 3h, take out and dry. Salt Gouji is advanced in supplement liver and kidney and strengthen the waist and knees.
  • Remark Scythian Lamb (Cibotium barometz) is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II. It is trade is allowed but subject to licensing controls


名稱: 狗脊
拼音: Gouji
英文: East Asian Tree Fern
拉丁: Cibotii Rhizoma
類別: 根及根莖類
來源: 蚌殼蕨科植物金毛狗脊Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm.的乾燥根莖。

  • 性狀: 本品呈不規則的長塊狀,長10~30cm,直徑2~10cm。表面深棕色,殘留金黃色絨毛,上面有數個紅棕色的木質葉柄,下面殘存黑色細根。質堅硬,不易折斷。無臭,味淡、微澀。生狗脊片呈不規則長條形或圓形,長5~20cm,直徑2~10cm,厚1.5~5mm;切面淺棕色,較平滑,近邊緣1~4mm處 有1條棕黃色隆起的木質部環紋或條紋,邊緣整齊,偶有金黃色絨毛殘留;質脆,易折斷,有粉性。熟狗脊片呈黑棕色,質堅硬,木質部有環紋明顯。为蚌壳蕨科植物金毛狗的干燥根茎。秋、冬二季采挖,除去泥沙,干燥;或去硬根、叶柄及金黄色绒毛,切厚片,干燥,为“生狗脊片”;蒸后晒至六、七成干,切厚片,干燥,为“熟狗脊片”;生于山脚沟边及林下阴处酸性土上。
  • “狗脊,苦能燥湿,甘能益血,温能养气,是补而能走之药也。肾虚则腰背强,机关有缓急之病,滋肾益气血,则腰背不强,机关无缓急之患矣。周痹寒湿膝痛者,肾气不足,而为风寒湿之邪所中也,兹得补则邪散痹除而膝亦利矣。老人肾气衰乏,肝血亦虚,则筋骨不健,补肾入骨,故利老人也。失溺不节,肾气虚脱故也。”
  • 品質: 以質堅實、體重,絨毛金色者為佳。
  • 性味: 苦、甘,溫。
  • 功效: 祛風除濕,補肝腎,強腰膝。用於風濕痹痛,腰膝酸軟,下肢無力,尿頻,遺尿,白帶過多。外敷金創止血。
  • 附註: 金毛狗脊 (Cibotium barometz) 已被列入《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》 (CITES) 附錄二中。該物種雖可進行貿易,但須受許可證制度管制。


炙品: 蒸狗脊:取淨狗脊片,置籠屜內,武火蒸4~6h,停火後悶6~8h, 取出,乾燥。蒸狗脊苦燥之性減弱,長於補肝腎。
酒狗脊: 取淨狗脊片,加黃酒拌勻,潤透後置蒸籠裡,武火蒸4~6h,停火後悶6~8h,取出,乾燥。每100kg狗脊片用黃 酒15kg。酒狗脊長於散寒止痛,通利關節。