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ManJingZi – 蔓荊子 – Sinplelaef Shrub Chastetree Fruit

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ManJingZi – 蔓荊子 – Sinplelaef Shrub Chastetree Fruit

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Viticis Fructus

– Parts of plants that have useful value: Fruits and seeds

–  Origin: The dried matured fruit of Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham., Vitex trifolia L.(Verbenaceae).


名稱: 蔓荊子
拼音: Manjingzi
英文: Sinplelaef Shrub Chastetree Fruit
拉丁: Viticis Fructus
– 類別: 果實及種子類
– 來源: 馬鞭草科植物單葉蔓荊Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham. 或蔓荊Vitex trifolia L.的乾燥成熟果實。



ManJingZi – 蔓荊子 – Sinplelaef Shrub Chastetree Fruit

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Viticis Fructus

– Parts of plants that have useful value: Fruits and seeds

–  Origin: The dried matured fruit of Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham., Vitex trifolia L.(Verbenaceae).

    • Production Regions: Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Shandong.
    • Macroscopic Features: Spherical, 4~6mm diameter. External surface is grayish-black or black-brown, covered with grayish-white frost-like fuzz, with 4 longitudinal shallow grooves, apex is slightly indented, base has grayish-white persistent calyx and short fruit stem. Calyx is 1/3~2/3 length of fruit, 5 teeth-like cracks, 2 of the cracks are relatively deep, densely covered with fuzz. Light, firm, not easily broken. Horizontal cut surface has 4 chambers, each has one seed. Distinctively aromatic odor, bland and slightly acrid taste.
    • Quality Requirements: Superior medicinal material is full, large, with potent aroma.
    • Properties: Acrid, bitter, slightly cold.
    • Functions: Dispels wind heat, clears and promotes head and eyes. Apply to wind heat common cold and headache, swelling pain in the gums, conjunctival congestion and delacrimation, dark and blurred vision, lightheadedness and dizziness.


名稱: 蔓荊子
拼音: Manjingzi
英文: Sinplelaef Shrub Chastetree Fruit
拉丁: Viticis Fructus
– 類別: 果實及種子類
– 來源: 馬鞭草科植物單葉蔓荊Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham. 或蔓荊Vitex trifolia L.的乾燥成熟果實。

    • 蔓荆子(种植)概述(疏散风热 清利头目). 为马鞭草科植物单叶蔓荆或蔓荆的干燥成熟果实,秋季果实成熟时采收,除去杂质,晒干。适应性较强,对环境条件要求不严,但喜温暖湿润,土壤以疏松、肥沃的砂质壤土较好。
    • 性狀: 本品呈球形,直徑4~6mm。表面灰黑色或黑褐色,被灰白色粉霜狀茸毛,有縱向淺溝4條,頂端微凹,基部有灰白色宿萼及短果梗。萼長為果實的1/3~2/3,5齒裂,其中 2裂較深,密被茸毛。體輕,質堅韌,不易破碎。橫切面可見4室,每室有種子1枚。氣特異而芳香,味淡、微辛。
    • 品質: 以粒大飽滿、氣味濃者為佳。
    • 性味: 辛、苦,微寒。
    • 功效: 疏散風熱,清利頭目。用於風熱感冒頭痛,齒齦腫痛,目赤多淚,目暗不明,頭暈目眩。
    • 《本草纲目》记载:“蔓荆实,气轻味辛,体轻而浮,上行而散,故所主者皆头面风虚之症。”