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Shannai – 山柰 – Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome

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Shannai – 山柰 – Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome
Chinese Name: 山柰
Chinese Pinyin: Shannai
English Name: Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome
– Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Kaempferiae Rhizoma
– Parts of plants that have useful value:Roots and rhizomes
– Origin The dried rhizome of Kaempferia galangal L.(Zingiberaceae)


Shannai – 山柰 – Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome
中文名稱: 山柰
漢語拼音: Shannai
英文名稱: Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome, Resurrection Lily
– 拉丁學名: Kaempferia galanga L.
– 類別: 根及根莖類
– 來源: 薑科植物山柰 (沙薑) Kaempferia galanga L.的乾燥根莖。
– 科屬歸類: 薑科 Zingiberaceae, 山柰屬 Kaempferia



Shannai – 山柰 – Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome
Chinese Name: 山柰
Chinese Pinyin: Shannai
English Name: Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome
– Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Kaempferiae Rhizoma
– Parts of plants that have useful value:Roots and rhizomes
– Origin The dried rhizome of Kaempferia galangal L.(Zingiberaceae)

    • Distribution Growing on hill-slopes, under forests, in tussock. Now often cultivated.
    • Production Regions Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and southern Fujian.
    • Description: Perennial herb. Rhizome massive, solitary or several pieces connecting, light green or greenish white, aromatic. Leaf usually near the group in pairs, nearly round, 7-13cm long, hairless or lower surface sparsely covered by long soft hairs, upper surface with red spots after drying, leaf sheath 2-3cm long. Spike 2 basidixed, semi-embraced in leaf sheath, bract lanceolate, 2.5cm long. after blooming period, leaf opened, white, aromatic, easily withered, calyx nearly equal to bract in length, corolla tube 2-2.5cm long, lobe linear, 1.2cm long, adnate staminodium invert ovate wedge shaped, 1.2cm long, labellum white, basal part with purple spots, 2.5cm long, 2 deep lobes below the middle part, stamen without filament, connectivum attachment square, 2 lobed, ovary inferior, with 3 ventricles, style thin and long, basal part with 2 thin and long rod like objects, stigma disc shaped, with tricholoma. Capsule. Flowering: August to September.
    • Macroscopic Features: Round or sub-spherical thick pieces, 1.5~2cm diameter, 2~6mm thick. Outer skin is reddish-brown, wrinkled, sometimes can see root scars and remnants of scales and rings. Fractured surface is grayish-white, powdery, smooth and fine, slightly raised up, and with wrinkled outer skin. Brittle texture, easily broken. Aromatic odor, slightly similar to camphor; spicy and acrid tastes (but different with ginger).
    • Harvest & Processing: Can be harvested in Dec to March of the next year, excavated biennial rhizome, wash off sediment, cut off fibril, cut into 1cm-long pieces, smoked by sulphur for one day, spread on bamboo mat, and sun-dried.
    • Technical Terms ‘Shrunken skin with protruding flesh’: This refers that specifically pertains to the identification of shan nai. Its special characteristic is that the edges of horizontally sliced pieces have an outer skin that is tight and shrunken around the center, while the center portion often bulges slightly outward.
    • Part Used: Medical part: dried rhizome. Chinese name: Shannai.
    • Chemistry: Mainly contains volatile oils and flavonoid.
    • Pharmacology: Monoamine-oxidase-inhibiting.
    • Properties & Actions: Acrid, Pungent, Warm. Warming the middle for removing dampness, promoting qi-flowing for dispersing food and suppressing pains.
    • Quality Requirements Superior medicinal material is white, powdery, full, with potent aroma and strong spicy and acrid taste.
    • Indications: Cold pain in the gastric cavity and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea due to cold wetness.
    • Functions: Warms the middle, digests food, stops pain. Apply to chest and abdominal cold pain, indigestion, traumatic injury, toothache, rheumatic arthralgia. Chest and diaphragm swelling and fullness, abdominal cold pain, indigestion, cholera, fullness of chest and abdomen.
    • Usage: Oral administration: decocting, 6-9g; or made as pills or powders. External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying; powdered for applying or nose suctioning.
    • Examples:
      1. Treat cold pain of heart and abdomen: galanga resurrectionlily, cloves, angelica, ural licorice in equal amounts. Grind into powder, prepare paste pill with vinegar, as large as firmianae semen. Take 30 pills each time, swallow with liquor.
      2. Treat carious pain: honeylocust seed 1, remove pulp, add galanga resurrectionlily, China nardostachys 3 fen each, bunge pricklyash, salt quantity not limited, till Honeylocust seed is filled up. Take bread, lianhong, grind into a fine powder. Cleanse teeth every day.
      3. Treat fishbone caught in throat: take galanga resurrectionlily rhizome 6-15g. Decoct in water and gargle.


Shannai – 山柰 – Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome
中文名稱: 山柰
漢語拼音: Shannai
英文名稱: Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome, Resurrection Lily
– 拉丁學名: Kaempferia galanga L.
– 類別: 根及根莖類
– 來源: 薑科植物山柰 (沙薑) Kaempferia galanga L.的乾燥根莖。
– 科屬歸類: 薑科 Zingiberaceae, 山柰屬 Kaempferia

    • 植物形態: 多年生草本。根莖塊狀,單生或數枚連接,淡綠或綠白色,芳香。葉常2片近地面,近圓形,長7-13厘米,無毛或下面疏被長柔毛,乾後上面有紅色小點,葉鞘長2-3厘米。穗狀花序2頂生,半包於葉鞘中,苞片披針形,長2.5厘米。花後葉開放,白色,有香味,易凋謝,花萼與苞片近等長,花冠管長2-2.5厘米,裂片綫形,長1.2厘米,側生退化雄蕊倒卵狀楔形,長1.2厘米,唇瓣白色,基部有紫斑,長2.5厘米,2深裂至中部以下,雄蕊無花絲,藥隔附屬體正方形,2裂,子房下位,3室,花柱細長,基部具2細長棒狀物,柱頭盤狀,具緣毛。蒴果。花期8-9月.
    • 性狀: 乾燥根莖為圓形或近圓形的厚片,直徑1.5~2cm,厚2~6mm。外皮紅棕色,皺縮,有時可見根痕、鱗葉殘痕及環紋。斷面灰白色,富於粉質,光滑而細膩,略凸起,而外皮皺縮。質脆,易折斷。氣芳香,略同樟腦;味辛辣 (但與薑味不同) .
    • 生境分佈: 生於山坡、林下、草叢中,現多為栽培。 分佈於福建、台灣、廣東、海南,廣西、雲南等地。 藥材產於廣西、廣東、雲南、福建及台灣.
    • 採收加工: 於12月至翌年3月收獲,挖取二年生根莖,洗去泥沙,剪去鬚根,切成1厘米厚的薄片,用硫黃熏1日後,鋪在竹席上曬乾.
    • 藥用部位: 以乾燥根莖入藥。中藥名: 山柰。
    • 主要成分: 主含揮發油及黃酮類成分。
    • 藥理作用: 抑制單胺氧化酶。
    • 性味功能: 辛,溫。溫中除濕,行氣消食,止痛。
    • 品質: 以色白、粉性足、飽滿、氣濃厚而辣味強者為佳。
    • 功效: 脘腹冷痛,寒濕吐瀉、霍亂,胸腹脹滿,飲食不消,牙痛,風濕痹痛. 溫中,消食,止痛。治心腹冷痛,停食不化,跌打損傷,牙痛。用於胸隔脹滿,脘腹冷痛。
    • 內服: 煎湯,6-9克;或入丸、散。外用: 適量,搗敷;研末調敷,或搐鼻。
      注解: “縮皮凸肉”:指山柰橫切片,邊緣外皮向中間緊縮,中央常略鼓凸的特點。
    •  應用舉例:
      1. 治心腹冷痛: 山柰、丁香、當歸、甘草等分。為末,醋糊丸,梧子大。每服三十丸,酒下。(瀕湖集簡方)
      2. 治風蟲牙痛: 肥皂角一個,去穰,入山柰、甘松各三分,花椒、鹽不拘多少,以塞皂角滿為度。用麵包,煉紅,取研細末。每日擦牙。(攝生眾妙方)
      3. 治骨鯁喉: 用山柰根莖6-15克。水煎含漱。(廣西本草選編)