Sharen – 砂仁 – Villous Amomum Fruit
Sharen – 砂仁 – Villous Amomum Fruit
Yangchunsha – 陽春砂 – Villous Amomum Fruit
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Amomi Fructus
– Parts of plants that have useful value: dried mature fruits and seeds
– Origin: The dried mature fruit of Amomum villosum Lour., Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides T. L. Wu et Senjen, Amomum longiligulare T. L. Wu.(Zingiberaceae)
Sharen – 砂仁 – Villous Amomum Fruit
Yangchunsha – 陽春砂 – Villous Amomum Fruit
– 名稱: 砂仁
– 拼音: Sharen
– 英文: Villous Amomum Fruit
– 拉丁: Amomi Fructus
– 類別: 果實及種子類
– 來源: 薑科植物陽春砂Amomum villosum Lour. 、綠殼砂Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides T. L. Wu et Senjen 或海南砂Amomum longiligulare T. L. Wu 的乾燥成熟果實.
藥用部位: 以乾燥成熟果實入藥。中藥名: 砂仁。
Sharen – 砂仁 – Villous Amomum Fruit
Yangchunsha – 陽春砂 – Villous Amomum Fruit
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Amomi Fructus
– Parts of plants that have useful value: dried mature fruits and seeds
– Origin: The dried mature fruit of Amomum villosum Lour., Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides T. L. Wu et Senjen, Amomum longiligulare T. L. Wu.(Zingiberaceae)
- Description: Perennial upright herbs, plant up to 3m, rhizome creeping on ground. Stem scattered. Leaves long- lanceolate, ca. 37cm long, ca. 7cm wide, upper part relatively small, apex tail tipped, base nearly round, glabrous on both sides; sessile or nearly sessile, ligules semi-round, 3-5mm long, sheathing with slightly concave grid-shape reticulation. Spikes elliptic, peduncles 4-8cm long; bracts lanceolate, 1.8mm long. Bracts tubular, 1cm long; calyx tube 1.7cm long, white. Base sparsely pubescent; corolla tube 1.8cm long, lobes obovoid-oblong, 1.6-2cm long, white, labellum round spoon-shape, 1.6-2cm long and wide, white, apex 2 lobed, deconvoluted, with yellow small cusps, middle vein protruding, yellow with purple-red, base with 2 purple callus-shaped spots, with labellum stalk; stamens 1, ca. 1cm long, filaments 5-6mm long, anthers ca. 6mm long, anthers isolated attachment 3 lobed, top lobes semi-round, both sides auricular; ovary white pubescent. Capsules elliptic, 1.5-2cm long, purple-red upon maturation, brown when dry, non-dividing or dividing soft prickles. Seeds polygonal, with thick odour. Flowering: May -June, Fruiting: August to September.
- Macroscopic Features:
- Amomum villosum Lour., Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides T. L. Wu et Senjen: elliptical or oval shape, with three unobvious ridges. 1.5~2cm long, 1~1.5cm diameter. Externally brown, densely have spiny protrusions; apex has remnants of perianth, base often has fruit stem. Exocarp is thin and soft. Seeds are bound together in a cluster, with three blunt ridges, center has white membrane that splits seeds into three sections, each has 5~26 seeds. Seeds are irregular polyhedrons, 2-3mm in diameter; externally brownish-red or dark brown, with thin wrinkles, externally covered with a pale brown membranous pseudocarp; hard texture, endosperm is milky-white. Potent aromatic odor, acrid and cool, slightly bitter taste.
- Amomum longiligulare T. L. Wu.: long elliptical or oval-round shape, with three obvious ridges, 1.5~2cm long, 0.8~1.2cm diameter. Externally covered flake-like and branched soft spines; base has scar of fruit stem. Exocarp is thick and hard. Seed cluster is relatively small, each has 3~24 seeds; seed diameter is 1.5~2mm. Slightly light odor and taste.
- Distribution: Growing in dank places under forests of warm, humid and humus-rich ravine.
- Harvest & Processing: Flowering and bearing fruits after 2-3 years. In late July to early August bright red fruits become aborigine, seeds become black brown, harvested when broken fruits have strong spicy taste.
- Production Regions Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi. Imported sha ren is produced in Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, and Indonesia.
- Quality Requirements: Superior medicinal material is large, firm, full, with potent aroma.
- Chemistry: Mainly contains bornyl acetate, camphor and limonene, etc.
- Pharmacology: Anti-platelet aggregation, anti-ulcer and pain-relieving.
- Properties: Pungent, Acrid, Warm.
- Functions: Transforms dampness, increases appetite, warms spleen, relieves diarrhea, regulates qi, calms fetus. Apply to retention of dampness in the middle, abdominal fullness and anorexia, deficiency and cold spleen and stomach, vomit and diarrhea, pernicious vomiting, restless fetal movements.
- Indications & Usage Retention of damp leading to blockage of qi, fullness of chest and abdomen, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and stomachache, pernicious vomiting, restless fetal movements.Internal: decocting (later added in), 3-6g; or made as pills or powders.
- Examples
- Breaking obscure complexion, expelling dyspepsia, stimulating appetite: aucklandia root and villous amomum fruit, 5 qian each, immature orange fruit (stir-baking with bran) 1 liang, largehead atractylodes (immersed in washing water of rice, fried) 2 liang. The above drugs are grinded into powder and wraped in lotus leaves, cook and prepare into pills as large as semen firmianae. Take 50 pills each time with largehead atractylodes soup.
- Promoting digestion and normalizing the middle-wamer, promoting Qi movement to stop pain of heart and abdomen: villous amomum fruit parched and grinded, wrapped and immersed into alcohol, then cook and drink.
Sharen – 砂仁 – Villous Amomum Fruit
Yangchunsha – 陽春砂 – Villous Amomum Fruit
– 名稱: 砂仁
– 拼音: Sharen
– 英文: Villous Amomum Fruit
– 拉丁: Amomi Fructus
– 類別: 果實及種子類
– 來源: 薑科植物陽春砂Amomum villosum Lour. 、綠殼砂Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides T. L. Wu et Senjen 或海南砂Amomum longiligulare T. L. Wu 的乾燥成熟果實。
- 產地: 進口砂仁主產越南、泰國、緬甸、印尼等地。
- 植物形態: 多年生直立草本,植株高達3米,根莖匍匐地面。莖散生。葉長披針形,長約37厘米,寬約7厘米,上部葉較小,先端尾尖,基部近圓,兩面無毛;無柄或近無柄,葉舌半圓形,長3-5亳米,葉鞘有略凹陷的方格狀網紋。穗狀花序橢圓形,花序梗長4-8厘米;苞片披針形,長1.8亳米。小苞片管狀,長1厘米;花萼管長1.7厘木,白色,基部被稀疏柔毛;花冠管長1.8厘米,裂片倒卵狀長圓形,長1.6-2厘米,白色,唇瓣圓匙形,長寬1.6-2厘米,白色,先端2裂,反卷,具黃色小尖頭,中脈凸起,黃色而帶紫紅,基部具2個紫色痂狀斑,具瓣柄;雄蕊1,長約1厘米,花絲長5-6亳米,花藥長約6亳米,藥隔附屬體3裂,頂端裂片半圓形,兩側耳狀;子房被白色柔毛。蒴果橢圓形,長1.5-2厘米,成熟時紫紅色,乾後褐色,被不裂或分裂的柔刺。種子多角形,有濃香。
- 性狀: 陽春砂、綠殼砂:呈橢圓形或卵圓形,有不明顯的三棱,長1.5~2cm,直徑1~1.5cm。表面棕褐色,密生刺狀突起,頂端有花被殘基,基部常有果梗。果皮薄而軟。種子結集成團,具三鈍棱,中有白色隔膜,將種子團分成3瓣,每瓣有種子5~26粒。種子為不規則多面體,直徑2~3mm;表面棕紅色或暗褐色,有細皺紋,外被淡棕色膜質假種皮;質硬,胚乳灰白色。氣芳香而濃烈,味辛涼、微苦。
- 海南砂:呈長橢圓形或卵圓形,有明顯的三棱,長1.5~2cm,直徑0.8~1.2cm。表面被片狀、分枝的軟刺,基部具果梗痕。果皮厚而硬。種子團較小,每瓣有種子3~24粒;種子直徑1.5~2mm。氣味稍淡。
- 生境分佈: 生於氣候溫暖、潮濕、富含腐殖質的山溝林下陰濕處. 產地: 進口砂仁主產越南、泰國、緬甸、印尼等地。
- 採收加工: 種植後2-3年開花結果。花期5-6月,果期8-9月。7月底至8月初果實由鮮紅轉為紫紅色,種子呈黑褐色,破碎後有濃烈辛辣味即可採收。用剪刀剪斷果序,曬乾,也可用火焙法焙乾。
- 品質: 以個大、堅實、仁飽滿、氣香濃者為佳。
- 藥用部位: 以乾燥成熟果實入藥。中藥名: 砂仁。
- 性味: 辛,溫。
功效: 化濕開胃,溫脾止瀉,理氣安胎。用於濕濁中阻,脘痞不饑,脾胃虛寒,嘔吐泄瀉,妊娠惡阻,胎動不安。 - 主要成分: 主含乙酰龍腦酯、樟腦及檸檬烯等。
- 藥理作用: 抗血小板聚集,抗潰瘍,鎮痛。
- 性味功能: 辛,溫。化濕開胃,行氣寬中,溫脾止瀉,安胎。
- 主治用法: 濕阻氣滯,脘腹脹滿,不思飲食,惡心嘔吐,腹痛泄瀉,妊娠惡阻,胎動不安。內服: 煎湯3-6克,後下: 或入丸、散。
- 應用舉例
- 破滯氣,消宿食,開胃進食: 木香、砂仁各五錢,枳實(麩炒)一兩,白朮(米泔浸,炒)二兩。上為末,荷葉裹,燒飯為丸,桐子大。每服五十丸,白朮湯下。(景岳全書)
- 消食和中,下氣止心腹痛: 砂仁炒研,袋盛浸酒,煮飲。(綱目)