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Tongkat Ali – 东革阿里 

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Tongkat Ali – 东革阿里

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Eurycoma longifolia Jack

– Parts of plants that have useful value: all tree and special in Roots



Tongkat Ali – 东革阿里

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Eurycoma longifolia Jack

– Parts of plants that have useful value: all tree and special in Roots

Tongkat Ali is known as the national treasure of Malaysia. It is a green and natural medicinal material currently praised by the international medical community and is sold all over the world. The Malay word “Tongkat Ali” means “Ali’s crutch”. The crutch is the same word as the male genitals in Malay, which implies that it has the function of helping people to prolong their lives and increase their sexual ability. It is also known as a “natural aphrodisiac”.

Tongkat Ali is also known as “Malay Ginseng”.
– This is because the content of flavonoid compounds in Tongkat Ali plants is 5 times that of ginseng, hence the name. Tongkat Ali is also known as “the herb that can cure all diseases” in Vietnamese. The whole tree of Tongkat Ali is a rare wild medicinal material with extremely high medical value, especially the root, and its magical effect has a long history. It has been used as a traditional medicinal material and tonic in folk villages in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years. It can be used as a single medicine or as an important medicine in prescriptions.
– Local people believe that it can “cure all diseases” and is widely used to improve human immunity, prolong life, nourish after childbirth, reduce pressure, strengthen the kidneys, and can be used to treat prostatitis, diabetes, hypertension, gout, rheumatism, cancer and other diseases. The medicinal effect of Tongkat Ali, a natural plant, is closely related to its growth environment in the rainforest.
– Tongkat Ali tastes bitter and enters the spleen and kidney meridians. Because of its bitter taste, it has a strong clearing and descending effect. Clearing is to clear heat and clear, clearing is beneficial, and clearing is unblocked; descending is to descend qi and turbidity; bitterness is bitter and firm. This also confirms the old saying that “good medicine is bitter and beneficial to the disease”.
– These characteristics make Tongkat Ali extremely beneficial to the human kidneys. It can clear the dampness and turbidity of the kidneys, make the kidney water accessible, facilitate the detoxification of the kidneys, and effectively reduce the damage of drugs to the kidneys. These characteristics are also the reason why Tongkat Ali can solve metabolic diseases such as gout, diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Tongkat Ali, a magical plant that has been used as both medicine and food in Southeast Asia for nearly a thousand years, has attracted great attention from the international medical community because of its many amazing effects, and many people have invested in it. The magic of Tongkat Ali plant lies in that it promotes the body’s own secretion of testosterone through its unique effective biochemical active ingredients such as Eurycomanone, 13 alpha-epoxyeurycomanone, 14, 15 beta-dihydroxyklaineanone, etc., which can increase the testosterone level to 440%, thereby compensating for the problem of testosterone level decline caused by aging. And while increasing the total testosterone level of the human body, by inhibiting and reducing the level of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) in the human blood, the level of free testosterone in the human blood is directly increased, which fundamentally solves the problem of sexual dysfunction caused by the decrease in free testosterone levels in men. At the same time, due to the increase in testosterone levels, the autoimmune function is enhanced, the blood circulation and metabolic rate of the human body are improved, making human health and longevity possible. – Tongkat Ali’s efficacy and effects
(1) Promotes the body’s own secretion of testosterone, up to 440%, and promotes muscle growth.
(2) Improves physical strength and control, maintains vigorous energy, relieves stress and anxiety, and relieves low mood and depression.
(3) Improves sexual indifference, improves the sexual ability of middle-aged and elderly people, prolongs sexual time, increases the number of sexual intercourse and pleasure, and quickly recovers physical strength after sex.
(4) Repairs and nourishes the human sex glands and reproductive system, and has a significant effect on eliminating the symptoms of prostatitis.
(5) Improves human fertility, increases male sperm production, and enhances sperm activity.
(6) Strengthens human blood circulation and metabolism, enhances kidney power, and effectively reduces drug damage to the kidney.
(7) Relieves the symptoms of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, gout and rheumatism.
(8) Enhances autoimmunity, anti-virus, anti-malaria, and can be used as an auxiliary treatment for cancer and AIDS.
(9) Prolong life, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, improve cognitive ability and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
(10) Reduce the risk of heart disease and myocardial infarction, delay menopause, nourish the body after childbirth, and accelerate uterine contraction.
(11) Regulate the endocrine system, anti-ulcer, anti-allergic reaction, antipyretic, analgesic, used for tuberculosis, jaundice, etc.


东革阿里被誉为马来西亚的国宝,是目前国际医药界所推崇的绿色天然药材,畅销全球。马来文“Tongkat Ali”,意为“阿里的拐杖”,拐杖在马来文中与男性的生殖器是一个词,隐喻其具有辅助人们实现延寿和增加性能力的作用,另有“天然的催情药”之美誉。

东革阿里还有“马来人参 ”这样一个别称,
– 这是因为东革阿里植物中的类黄酮化合物含量是人参的5倍,因此而得名。东革阿里在越南语中又被称为 “能治百病的草药”。东革阿里整株树木都是难得的、具有极高医药价值的野生药材,尤其是根部,其神奇功效源远流长。在东南亚的民间乡村作为传统药材和滋补品已有数百年历史,既可作单味药,也可作为药方中的重要配药。
– 当地百姓深信其“可治百病”,广泛应用于提高人体免疫力、养生延寿、产后滋补、减压、强肾,可用于前列腺炎、糖尿病、高血压、痛风、风湿病、癌症等疾病的治疗方面。东革阿里这种天然植物的药效与它在雨林的生长环境密切相关。
– 东革阿里味苦,入脾、肾两经。因其味苦,有较强的清降作用。清是清热、清解,清则利,清则通;降是降气、降浊;苦是苦坚。这也印证了“良药苦口利于病”的古语。
– 这些特性使东革阿里对人体肾脏有极大. 的好处,可清除肾脏的湿浊,使肾水得以通达,有利于肾脏的排毒,有效减少药物对肾的损伤,而这些特性也正是东革阿里能够解决痛风、糖尿病、高血压、高血脂等代谢类疾病之所在。东革阿里这种在东南亚延续
– 了近千年的药食同源的神奇植物,因其有多种令人称奇的功效,引起了国际医药界的高度重视,并纷纷投入

– 东革阿里的主要特: 点东革阿里植物的神奇之处在于通过其所独有的Eurycomanone,13 alpha-epoxyeurycomanone,14,15 beta-dihydroxyklaineanone等有效生物化学活性成分促进人体自身分泌睾酮,最高可提升睾酮水平至440%,从而弥补了人体随着年龄增长而导致的睾酮水平下降问题。并且在提高人体总睾酮水平的同时,通过抑制、降低人体血液中SHBG(性激素结合球蛋白)的含量水平,直接提高了人体血液中游离睾酮的含量水平,从根本上真正解决了男性因游离睾酮水平下降而带来的性功能障碍问题。同时,由于睾酮水平的提高,增强了自身免疫功能,改善了人体血液循环及新陈代谢速度,使人类健康长寿成为可能。

– 东革阿里的功效与作用
(1) 促进人体自身分泌睾酮,最高可提升440%,促进人体肌肉增长。
(2) 增进体能及控制力,保持旺盛精力,减缓压力与忧虑,舒缓低落情绪及抑郁。
(3) 改善性冷淡,提高中老年人性能力,延长性事时间,增加性事次数和快感,性事后快速恢复体力。
(4) 修复和滋补人体性腺、生殖系统,对消除前列腺炎症状效果显著。
(5) 提高人体生殖力,提升男性精子产量,增强精子活跃度。
(6) 加强人体血液循环及新陈代谢,增强肾动力,有效减少药物对肾的损伤。
(7) 缓解糖尿病、高血压、痛风及风湿病等代谢类疾病的症状。
(8) 增强自身免疫能力,抗病毒,抗疟疾,可作为抗癌和抗艾滋病的辅助治疗。
(9) 延寿、抗氧化、抗衰老,改善认知能力及老年痴呆症的罹患风险。
(10) 降低心脏病、心肌梗死的风险,延缓更年期,产后滋补,加快子宫收缩。
(11) 调节内分泌系统,抗溃疡,抗过敏反应,退热、止痛,用于肺结核、黄疸等。