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Xianmao – 仙茅 – Curculigo Rhizome

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Xianmao – 仙茅 – Curculigo Rhizome

Chinese Name: 仙茅
Chinese Pinyin: Xianmao
English Name: Common Curculigo Rhizome, Curculigo
– Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Curculiginis Rhizoma; Curculigo orchioides Gaertn
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes
– Origin The dried rhizome of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.(Amaryllidaceae)

Xianmao – 仙茅 – Curculigo Rhizome
名稱: 仙茅, 獨茅根
拼音: Xianmao
英文: Common Curculigo Rhizome, Curculigo.
– 拉丁學名: Curculiginis Rhizoma
– 類別: 根及根莖類
– 來源: 石蒜科植物仙茅 Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. 的乾燥根莖。
– 科屬歸類: 石蒜科 Amaryllidaceae, 仙茅屬 Curculigo




Xianmao – 仙茅 – Curculigo Rhizome

Chinese Name: 仙茅
Chinese Pinyin: Xianmao
English Name: Common Curculigo Rhizome, Curculigo
– Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Curculiginis Rhizoma; Curculigo orchioides Gaertn
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes
– Origin The dried rhizome of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.(Amaryllidaceae)

    • Description: Perennial herbs, 15-40cm tall; rhizomes fleshy, thick, straight, cylindrical, up to 30cm long, epidermis reddish-brown; stem on the ground not prominent, often wrapped in leaf sheath. Leaves basal, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 10-45cm long, 0.5-2.5cm wide, apex acuminate, base narrow and decurrent into petioles, initially both sides sparsely long-pubescent, later glabrous; parallel veins prominent; petioles short or nearly sessile, base expanded. Scapes very short, 6-7cm long, hairy; bracts lanceolate, 2.5-5cm long, membranous; 4-6 flowers arranged as short racemes, hidden in the foliage, peduncles about 2mm long; perianth tubes extended to beak-shaped, beaks about 2.5cm long, perianth lobes oblong-lanceolate, yellow, 8-12mm long, 2.5-3mm wide, sparsely long-pubescent; stamens 6, borne at the base of perianth lobes and opposite, anthers longer than filaments, anther 2-4mm long, filaments about 1.5-2.5mm long; stigma 3 lobed, ovary narrow, top with long beaks, along with beaks up to 7.5mm long, sparsely hairy. Capsules fusiform, about 1.2cm long, top with long beaks; seeds black, shiny, surface with longitudinal ribs, and beaks. Flowering and fruiting: April to September.
    • Macroscopic Features: Cylindrical, slightly curved, two ends are flat, 3~10cm long, 3~8mm diameter. Externally brown or black-brown, rough, wrinkled and uneven, with thin and dense discontinuous horizontal lines, and scattered faint small spotted lenticels. Remnants of root pieces have thin ends and thick middle rootlets grow thickly at one end of the rhizome, 3~6cm long, with extremely dense ringed horizontal lines, light and loose texture, soft but hard to break. Rhizome is firm and brittle, easily broken, flat fractured surface, slightly granular (steamed pieces are slightly transparent and horn-like), cortex is pale grayish brown or reddish-brown due to gelatinization, relatively dark near the center. Slightly acrid odor, slightly bitter and acrid taste.
    • Distribution: Growing in sunny forests, mountain slopes or barren tussock. Distributed in Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou and etc. Also distributed in India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Japan.
    • Harvest and Processing: Excavated in autumn and winter, removed root tip, fibrous root and soil, well washed and dried.
    • Part Used Medical part: Rhizome.
    • Chemistry: Mainly contains saponin, tannin, fat, resin, fatty acid, starch and mucilage glue, etc.
    • Pharmacology: Anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-convulsion, effective as male hormone, adaptability-improving and antibacterial.
    • Properties & Actions: Acrid, Pungent, Hot, Toxic. Tonifying kidney and yang, strengthening muscles and bones, removing cold and damp.
    • Quality Requirements: Superior medicinal material has thick and long strip, firm texture, black-brown externally.
    • Functions: Warms kidney yang, strengthens sinew and bone. Apply to impotence and cold sperm, aconuresis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, heart and abdomen cold pain, waist and feet cold impediment, ulcer, scrofula, cold diarrhea caused by yang deficiency and asthenia. Impotence and cold sperm, cold arthralgia spasms in the waist and knees, flaccidity of extremities.
    • Usage: Oral administration: decocting, 3-9g, or powdered, made as pills; or made as medicinal liquor. External application: appropriate amount, triturated for application. Not use in case of excess fire due to yin asthenia.
    • Examples
      1. Impotence, tinnitus: common curculigo, cherokee rose root and fruit 5 qian each. Stew meat and eat.
      2. Senile enuresis: common curculigo 1 liang. Immerse into liquor and drink.
      3. Stopping asthma, invigorating heart and kidney, descending qi: white common curculigo 0.5 liang (immerse into washed water of rice for 3 nights, dry under the sun, and stir-fry), Zituan ginseng 1 fen, medicinal glue 1 liang and 3 fen (stir-fried), chick stomach 1.5 liang. Grind into powder, and take 2 qian each time with glutinous rice, on empty stomach.

Xianmao – 仙茅 – Curculigo Rhizome
名稱: 仙茅, 獨茅根
拼音: Xianmao
英文: Common Curculigo Rhizome, Curculigo.
– 拉丁學名: Curculiginis Rhizoma
– 類別: 根及根莖類
– 來源: 石蒜科植物仙茅 Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. 的乾燥根莖。
– 科屬歸類: 石蒜科 Amaryllidaceae, 仙茅屬 Curculigo

    • 植物形態: 多年生草本,高15-40厘米;根狀莖肉質,粗壯,直生,圓柱形,長可達30厘米,表皮紅褐色;地上莖不明顯,常包藏於葉鞘內。葉基生,披針形或線狀披針形,長10-45厘米,寬0.5-2.5厘米,頂端漸尖,基部狹而下延成柄,初時兩面疏被長柔毛,後變無毛;平行脈明顯;葉柄短或近無柄,基部擴大。花莖甚短,長6-7厘米,被毛;苞片披針形,長2.5-5厘米,膜質;4-6朵排成短總狀花序,隱藏於葉叢中,花梗長約2毫米;花被管延伸呈喙狀,喙長約2.5厘米,花被裂片長圓狀披針形,黃色,長8-12毫米,寬2.5-3毫米,疏被長柔毛;雄蕊6枚,著生於花被裂片的基部並與其對生,花葯長過花絲,花葯長2-4毫米,花絲長約1.5-2.5毫米;柱頭3裂,子房狹長,頂端具長喙,連喙長達7.5毫米,被疏毛。蒴果紡錘形,長約1.2厘米,頂端有長喙;種子黑色,有光澤,表面有縱凸紋,有喙。花果期4-9月。
    • 性狀: 乾燥根莖為圓柱形,略彎曲,兩端平,長3~10cm,直徑3~8mm。表面棕褐色或黑褐色,粗糙,皺縮不平,有細密而不連續的橫紋,並散佈有不甚明顯的細小圓點狀皮孔。未去鬚根者,在根莖的一端常叢生兩端細、中間粗的鬚根,長約3~6cm,有極密的環狀橫紋,質輕而疏鬆,柔軟而不易折斷。根莖質堅脆,易折斷,斷面平坦,微帶顆粒性 (經蒸過者略呈透明角質狀),皮部淺灰棕色或因糊化而呈紅棕色,靠近中心處色較深。微有辛香氣,味微苦辛。
    • 生境分佈: 生於向陽的林中,山坡或荒山草叢中。 分佈於江西,福建,浙江,廣東,廣西,雲南,四川,貴州等地。印度,越南至印度尼西亞和日本也有。 藥材主產於四川。
    • 採收加工: 秋冬二季採挖,除去根頭,鬚根及泥沙,洗淨,乾燥。
    • 藥用部位: 以根莖入藥。中藥名: 仙茅。
    • 主要成分: 主要含皂苷,鞣質,脂肪,樹脂,脂肪酸,澱粉及粘液質等。
    • 藥理作用: 抗炎,鎮靜,抗驚厥,雄性激素作用,適應原樣作用,抗菌等。
    • 性味功能: 辛,熱。有毒。補腎陽,強筋骨,祛寒濕。
    • 品質: 以根條粗長、質堅脆、表面黑褐色者為佳。
    • 功效: 溫腎陽,壯筋骨。治陽萎精冷, 小便失禁, 崩漏, 心腹冷痛, 腰腳冷痹, 癰疽, 瘰鬁, 陽虛冷瀉, 陽虛冷瀉。陽痿精寒, 腰膝風冷, 筋骨痿痹等症, 筋骨痿軟, 腰膝冷痹。
    • 應用舉例
      1. 陽痿、耳鳴: 仙茅、金櫻子根及果實各五錢。燉肉吃。(貴州草藥)
      2. 老年遺尿: 仙茅一兩。泡酒服。(貴州草藥)
      3. 定喘,補心腎,下氣: 白仙茅半兩(米泔浸三宿,曬乾,炒),團參一分,阿膠一兩三分(炒),雞膍胵兩半。上為末,每服二錢,糯米飲調,空腹服。(三因方)
      4. 內服: 煎湯, 用量3-9克或入散, 丸; 或浸酒; 外用適量, 搗敷. 陰虛火旺者禁服.