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Foshou – 佛手 – Finger Citron Fruit

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Foshou – 佛手 – Finger Citron Fruit

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Citri Sarcodactylis Fructus

– Parts of plants that have useful value: Fruits and seeds

– Origin: The dried fruit of Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis Swingle.(Rutaceae).


名稱: 佛手
拼音: Foshou
英文: Finger Citron Fruit
拉丁: Citri Sarcodactylis Fructus
– 類別: 果實及種子類
– 來源: 芸香科植物佛手Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis Swingle.的乾燥果實。



Foshou – 佛手 – Finger Citron Fruit

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Citri Sarcodactylis Fructus

– Parts of plants that have useful value: Fruits and seeds

– Origin: The dried fruit of Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis Swingle.(Rutaceae).

  • Macroscopic Features: Semi-elliptical or oval-shaped thin slices, often wrinkled or curled. 6~10cm long, 3~7cm wide, 0.2~0.4cm thick. Apex is slightly wide, with 3~5 finger-like sections, base is slightly narrow, some with fruit stem. Outer skin is yellowish-green or orange-yellow, with wrinkles and oil spots. Flesh is pale yellowish-white, with scattered uneven linear or spotted vascular bundles. Hard and brittle texture, pliable after being moistened. Aromatic odor; tastes slightly sweet and then bitter.
  • Quality Requirements: Superior medicinal material is large and thin, with yellow skin and white flesh (Guang fo shou), or green skin and white flesh (Chuan fo shou), aromatic odor and sweet taste.
  • Properties: Acrid, bitter, sour; warm.
  • Functions: Courses the live, regulates qi, harmonizes the stomach, relieves pain. Apply to stagnation of liver-qi and stomach-qi, gastric and costal swelling pain, fullness of chest and abdomen, poor appetite and vomiting.
  • Technical Terms, ‘Golden edges and white flesh’: This refers to the yellow color edge and white colored inner section of cut Guang Foshou medicinal material.


名稱: 佛手
拼音: Foshou
英文: Finger Citron Fruit
拉丁: Citri Sarcodactylis Fructus
– 類別: 果實及種子類
– 來源: 芸香科植物佛手Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis Swingle.的乾燥果實。

    • 性狀: 該品為類橢圓形或卵圓形的薄片,常皺縮或捲曲。長6~10cm,寬3~7cm,厚0.2~0.4cm。頂端稍寬,常有3~5個手指狀的裂瓣,基部略窄,有的可見果梗痕。外皮黃綠色或橙黃色,有皺紋及油點。果肉淺黃白色,散有凹凸不平的線狀或點狀維管束。質硬而脆,受潮後柔韌。氣香,味微甜後苦.
    • 品質: 以片大而薄、黃皮白肉 (廣佛手) 或綠皮白肉 (川佛手) 、氣香甜者為佳.
    • 性味: 辛、苦、酸,溫.
    • 功效: 舒肝理氣,和胃止痛。用於肝胃氣滯,胸脅脹痛,胃脘痞滿,食少嘔吐.
    • 注解: “金邊白肉”:指廣佛手藥材切片的邊緣呈黃色,內瓤呈白色。