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Caoguo – 草果 – Tsaoko Amomum Fruit

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Caoguo – 草果 – Tsaoko Amomum Fruit

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Tsaoko Fructus

– Parts of plants that have useful value:      Fruits and seeds

– Origin: The dried nature fruit of Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemaire (Zingiberaceae)


名稱: 草果
拼音: Caoguo
英文: Tsaoko Amomum Fruit
拉丁: Tsaoko Fructus
– 類別: 果實及種子類
– 來源: 薑科植物草果Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemaire的乾燥成熟果實。



Caoguo – 草果 – Tsaoko Amomum Fruit

Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Tsaoko Fructus

– Parts of plants that have useful value:      Fruits and seeds

– Origin: The dried nature fruit of Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemaire (Zingiberaceae)

    • Macroscopic Features: Oval shape, 2~4.5cm long, 1~2.5cm diameter; externally brown or reddish-brown, with 3 blunt ridges and obvious longitudinal grooves and ridges; apex has round raised style base; base has fruit stem or stem scars; fruit skin is pliable, 3 lobes inside, each has 7~24 seeds; seeds cluster together. Seed is polyhedron, 5~7mm diameter, yellowish-brown or reddish-brown, with grayish-white membranous aril, indented chalaza in the center, round concave hilum on the relatively narrow end of ventral, hilum is an indented longitudinal groove. Aromatic odor; taste acrid and spicy.
    • Quality Requirements: Superior medicinal material is large, full, reddish-brown, with a potent aroma and taste.
    • Properties: Acrid; warm.
    • Functions: Dried dampness, eliminates cold, eliminates phlegm, interrupts malaria, promotes digestion. Apply to malaria, phlegm-fluid retention, abdominal cold pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion.
    • Processed Form: Jiang cao guo ren: cao guo without pericarp, taken with appropriate ginger juice and water, stir evenly, fry shortly, take out and dry (every 100 jin of cao guo without pericarp, take 10 jin of frash ginger juice). Promote curing vomiting.


名稱: 草果
拼音: Caoguo
英文: Tsaoko Amomum Fruit
拉丁: Tsaoko Fructus
– 類別: 果實及種子類
– 來源: 薑科植物草果Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemaire的乾燥成熟果實。

    • 性狀: 果實橢圓形,長2~4.5cm,直徑1~2.5cm,表面棕色或紅棕色,具3鈍棱及明顯的縱溝及棱線,先端有圓形突起的柱基,基部有果柄或果柄痕,果皮堅韌,內分3室,每室含種子7~24粒,種子集結成團。種子多面形,直徑5~7mm,黃棕色或紅棕色,具灰白色膜質假種皮,中央有凹陷合點,較狹端腹面有圓窩狀種臍,種脊凹陷成1縱溝。氣芳香,味辛、辣.
    • 品質: 以個大、飽滿、色紅棕、氣味濃行為佳.
    • 性味: 辛,溫.
    • 功效: 燥濕除寒,祛痰截瘧,消食化食。主治瘧疾,痰飲痞滿,脘腹冷痛,反胃,嘔吐,瀉痢,食積.
    • 炙品: 薑草果仁:取草果仁,加薑汁與水少許,拌勻,微炒,取出,放涼 (每草果仁100斤,用鮮薑10斤取汁) 。增強止嘔功效.