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Jixueteng – 雞血藤 – Suberect Spatholobus Stem

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Suberect Spatholobus Stem / Jixueteng / 雞血藤
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Spatholobi Caulis.
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Stems and woods.
– Origin The dried vine of Spatholobus suberectus Dunn.(fabaceae).

名稱: 雞血藤 / Jixueteng
英文: Suberect Spatholobus Stem
拉丁: Spatholobi Caulis



Suberect Spatholobus Stem / Jixueteng / 雞血藤
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Spatholobi Caulis.
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Stems and woods.
– Origin The dried vine of Spatholobus suberectus Dunn.(fabaceae).
– Macroscopic Features: Oval, long cylindrical or irregular angled cut pieces, 0.3~1 cm thick. Cortex is grayish-brown, sometimes with grayish-white spots, reddish-brown color where the cork falls off. Out surface has reddish-brown or brown xylem, and numerous ducts; cortex has resinous secretions that appear reddish-brown to blackish-brown, alternating with the xylem in an arrangement that presents with 3~8 eccentric semi-circular rings; pith is off to one side. Hard texture, faint odor, astringent taste.
– Quality Requirements: Superior medicinal material has numerous resinous secretions.
– Properties: Bitter, sweet; warm
– Functions: Supplements blood, invigorates blood, frees network vessels. Apply to irregular menstrual periods, hematasthenic flaccidity, numbness and paralysis, rheumatic arthralgia


名稱: 雞血藤 / Jixueteng
英文: Suberect Spatholobus Stem
拉丁: Spatholobi Caulis
– 類別: 藤木類
– 來源: 豆科植物密花豆Spatholobus suberectus Dunn的乾燥藤莖。
– 性狀: 該品為橢圓形、長矩圓形或不規則的斜切片,厚0.3~1cm。栓皮灰棕色,有的可見灰白色斑,栓皮脫落處現紅棕色。切面木部紅棕色或棕色,導管孔多數;韌皮部有樹脂狀分泌物呈紅棕色至黑棕色,與木部相間排列呈3~8個偏心性半圓形環;骨部偏向一側。質堅硬。氣微,味澀。
– 品質: 以樹脂分泌物多者為佳。
– 性味: 苦、甘,溫。
– 功效: 補血,活血,通絡。用於月經不調,血虛萎黃,麻木癱瘓,風濕痹痛。