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Ezhu – 莪朮 – Blue Turmeric Rhizome

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Ezhu – 莪朮 – Blue Turmeric Rhizome
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Curcumae Rhizoma
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes.
– Origin The dried rhizome of Curcuma Phaeocaulis Val.(Zingiber aceae).


名稱: 莪朮
拼音: Ezhu
英文: Blue Turmeric Rhizome
拉丁: Curcumae Rhizoma
使用具有药用特性的部分: 根及根莖類
來源: 薑科植物蓬莪朮Curcuma phaeocaulis Val.的乾燥根。




Ezhu – 莪朮 – Blue Turmeric Rhizome
Science Name / Latin Pharmaceutical Name: Curcumae Rhizoma
– Parts of plants that have useful value: Roots and rhizomes.
– Origin The dried rhizome of Curcuma Phaeocaulis Val.(Zingiber aceae).
– Macroscopic Features: Rhizome is cylindrical, apex is relatively pointy, base is blunt and round, 2~6cm long, 2~3cm diameter. Externally pale yellow. Slightly wrinkled; upper portion has obvious ring striations, which has scale-like remnants of leaf stem both sides has one line of spotty lateral roots for each. Firm texture; fractured surface grayish-brown, waxy, often with grayish-brown powder. Inner cortex is round circle-shaped, stele occupies a large portion. faintly aromatic odor; slightly bitter and acrid taste.
– Quality Requirements Superior medicinal material is firm with a potent aroma.
– Properties Acrid, bitter; warm.
– Functions Breaks blood, disperses accumulations, moves qi, relieves pain.

名稱: 莪朮
拼音: Ezhu
英文: Blue Turmeric Rhizome
拉丁: Curcumae Rhizoma
使用具有药用特性的部分: 根及根莖類
來源: 薑科植物蓬莪朮Curcuma phaeocaulis Val.的乾燥根。
性狀: 根莖圓錐形,上端較尖,下端基部鈍圓,長2~6cm,直徑2~3cm。表面淡黃色,稍皺縮,上部有明顯的環節,節上有鱗片樣葉柄殘基,兩側各有1列圓點狀側生根痕。質堅實,斷面灰褐色,蠟樣,常附有灰棕色粉末。內皮層環圓形,中柱占大部分。氣微香,味苦辣。
品質: 以質堅實、氣香者為佳。
性味: 辛、苦,溫。
功效: 破血逐瘀,行氣止痛。